VRscans Library is now available for 3ds Max.
For a limited time, you can try it free for 30 days. Gain access to over 400 materials, captured with our patented scanning technology. The VRscans Library works with the VRscans plugin in V-Ray for 3ds Max and more materials will be added over time.
Check out our gallery of sample surfaces from the VRscans Library.
A single VRscans material is built from 5,600 images of a sample, while other scanning systems only capture 100. The result is a photorealistic, tileable surface which is virtually indistinguishable from the original sample. And thanks to bidirectional texture function approximation, the surface responds to light just like the real thing.
Click here to find out more about VRscans Library, including information on pricing and subscriptions.
VRscans Library for Maya is coming soon.